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Mission Master - Summer Activity

Children's Summer Mission Masters Game at Home

Not based on popular TV series at all! Why not create your own mini missions during the holidays? Task… yourself with a set of challenges, with or without a competitive edge.

It is a fun and creative game that challenges children with a series of silly and inventive missions. Because you can tailor missions, challenges… for those playing, it can be made fun for all!

Here’s how you can set up a Children’s or Family Mission Masters game at home:


Select a Mission Master:

Choose one parent or someone else to be the Mission-master. This person will set and judge the missions.

Create Mission Cards:

Write down various missions on pieces of paper or index cards. You can use the ideas below or come up with your own.

Set Up a Timer:

Have a timer or stopwatch ready for missions that are time-based. Use a sand timer, or your phone!

Prepare a Scoreboard:

Use a whiteboard, chalkboard, or paper to keep track of points.


Here’s Some Example Missions

Creative Mission: Create the Most Imaginative Creature

Using playdough, paper, or recycled materials, create the most imaginative creature. Time limit: 10 minutes.

Speed Mission: Build the Tallest Tower

Using only plastic cups or blocks, build the tallest tower in 5 minutes.

Artistic Mission: Draw a Picture with Your Non-Dominant Hand

Draw a picture of a house, animal, or person using your non-dominant hand. Time limit: 5 minutes.

Physical Mission: Complete an Obstacle Course

Set up a simple obstacle course in the living room or garden and time each child as they complete it.

Memory Mission: Remember and Repeat

Show a tray of 10-15 items for 30 seconds. Remove the tray and ask the children to write down or name as many items as they can remember.

Performance  Mission: Act Out a Scene

Give each child a scene or character to act out without speaking. The others have to guess what or who they are. Time limit: 3 minutes.

Puzzle Mission: Complete a Jigsaw Puzzle

Give each child a small jigsaw puzzle and see who can complete it the fastest. Time limit: 10 minutes.

Creative Writing Mission: Write a Short Story

Write a short story or poem on a given theme (e.g., space adventure, magical forest). Time limit: 15 minutes.

Science Mission: Make a Boat that Floats

Using tin foil, paper, and tape, create a boat that can float in a bowl of water. Test which boat holds the most pennies before sinking.

Cooking Mission: Create the Best Sandwich

Make the most creative and delicious sandwich using available ingredients. The Mission-master judges based on creativity and taste.

How to Play

Explain the Rules:

Clearly explain the rules of each mission before starting. Ensure all children understand what is expected.

Complete the Missions:

Have the children complete each mission while the Mission-master watches and times where necessary.


The Mission-master judges each mission, awarding points for creativity, speed, accuracy, and effort.

Keep Score:

Update the scoreboard after each mission. Encourage good sportsmanship and have fun.

Award Prizes:

At the end of all missions, award small prizes or certificates to the children based on their scores or for special achievements like "Most Creative" or "Best Effort."

Mission-master games are a fantastic way to engage children in fun and educational activities. They encourage creativity, quick thinking, and cooperation. Plus, they’re a great way for the whole family to have fun together. Enjoy the laughter and creativity that come with your home Mission-master game!


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