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Sports Week Review & Why It's Important

Embracing National School Sports Week

National School Sports Week, took place from June 17 to June 23, is a fantastic initiative by Youth Sport Trust, promoting 60 minutes of PE, sport, and play daily for children. This year's theme was powered by Sports Direct's Monster Kickabout, focused on engaging young people through football.

As a parent, it was quite heart-warming to see schools actively participating in this event and seeing the kids expressions on the school run eager to share what they’ve been up to. Many schools have embraced the opportunity by inviting various sports professionals and offering a range of sports activities. This approach not only encourages physical activity but also allows children to explore different sports, potentially discovering new passions. The involvement of sports professionals, or the deliverance of sport activities in school generally provides inspiration and motivation, creating a positive environment for children to learn and grow.

Embedding physical activity and movement at an early age promotes lifelong healthy attitudes toward exercise and self-motivation. Over the past generation, education and society have maintained and improved their attitudes towards sports, influenced by increased awareness of health benefits and high-profile sporting events from Olympics to Football tournaments.

From a mental health perspective, promoting physical activity in schools and in general is a significant part of supporting better mental health for many. Physical movement is known to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression while improving mood and overall well-being. For children, regular physical activity can enhance concentration, boost self-esteem, and foster social connections, all of which contribute to better mental health.

The Mental Health Benefits of Physical Activity

Engaging in regular physical activity has numerous mental health benefits for children, including;

Stress Reduction: Exercise releases endorphins, which help reduce stress and anxiety.

Improved Mood: Physical activity can improve mood and decrease feelings of depression.

Enhanced Self-Esteem: Achieving fitness goals and mastering new skills can boost a child's confidence.

Better Sleep: Regular exercise can help regulate sleep patterns, leading to better rest.

Social Interaction: Team sports and group activities foster social connections and teamwork skills.


Sports like football provide significant psychosocial benefits, offering social connections and a sense of belonging. This year’s Euros and upcoming Wimbledon tennis tournament highlight the enthusiasm and communal spirit that sports bring, emphasizing their role in mental well-being.


Sports Children Can Explore

Encouraging children to try a variety of sports can help them find activities they enjoy. Such as Football, Play & Fitness Parks, Basketball, Tennis, Swimming, Gymnastics, Track and Field, Martial Arts, Dance, Cycling, Dodgeball, Hockey, Tennis, Climbing……

Quidditch! No, not making this up! From Fiction to reality you really can get active in many ways!

Did you know that Quidditch, the magical sport from the Harry Potter series, is now a real-life sport?

Played on broomsticks, hockey sticks and even tennis rackets (unfortunately, they don't fly). Quidditch combines elements of rugby, dodgeball, and tag. It's a co-ed sport that's gaining popularity. With its mix of physical activity and strategic gameplay, Quidditch is a fun and unique way to get children excited about sports. Just imagine trying to catch the Golden Snitch – it's sure to bring a lot of laughs and excitement!

There’s a sport or activity that fits for you

As a Child/Adolescent Athletics Coach in my own time, I have seen how being engaged in some form of physical activity can make a difference to any child with their own set of interests or ability. There's generally speaking, some form of physical activity suitable for anyone, in groups, on your own, with one or two friends or family, of any personal ability. When it comes to encouraging activities with children, it's important to allow space for the child to explore their interests, and these can change over time too.  

Engaging in physical activities as a family can benefit everyone as a group and individually, as it provides space for social learning and bonding, Opportunity for modelling healthy habits which  reinforces positive behaviours in children and supports your own health.

You don't have to be a sporty or overly active parent to promote good physical health and activity for your child.  Simple activities like family walks, bike rides, or playing games in the park can be enjoyable and build stronger family relationships on top of the other mentioned benefits. By making physical activity a fun and shared experience, you can set a foundation for a healthier, more connected family too.

If these times feel stressful, don't give up. Instead, try breaking activities into smaller, manageable segments or finding some new, fun ways to be active together. Consider exploring local parks, community events, or even indoor activities that can keep everyone engaged without adding stress. Remember, the goal is to enjoy being active together, fostering a healthy lifestyle which can also promote healthy bonds with others, and yourself.


Exploring Activity Options

Not everyone can afford after school or external sports clubs, but as parents we can organise get-togethers with others to self-organise activities together or independently. If that's not comfortable or possible, there are helpful resources and ideas available on websites such as Active Suffolk, Here or you can find various options via Suffolk Info Link Here.


National School Sports Week is a wonderful opportunity to promote physical activity and positive mental health among children. By offering a variety of sports and involving professionals, schools can inspire children to lead active and healthy lives. I encourage everyone to support and participate in these activities, fostering an environment where children can discover the joy of sports and physical activity. So get planning for 2025!

Let's encourage our kids to get moving and embrace a healthy, active lifestyle!

Dylan, at TMH